When a tear or rip happens, reach for Tenacious Tape to quickly fix your outdoor gear. Whether it’s tents, ski pants, or puffy coats, this strong, weatherproof tape provides a reliable repair. Tenacious Tape features an ultra-strong adhesive that bonds securely to technical fabrics like nylon and vinyl. It offers a discreet fix that stays in place, no matter what the weather throws at it.
Once applied, let it set for 24 hours, and it becomes machine washable. Tenacious Tape is the ultimate quick fix to keep you outdoors longer.
Ideal use:
Camping, Outdoor gear
Vinyl, Nylon
Key features:
Adheres To: nylon, polyester, fleece, vinyl, rubber, non-oiled leather and GORE-TEX fabric
Super-aggressive adhesive for long lasting repairs
Leaves no sticky residue
Tech specs:
Dimension per roll: 50 x 7.5cm
Garment features | Packable |
Weight (g) | 34 |
Dimensions (cm) | 50 x 7.5 |
Brand | McNett |
Colour | No Colour |
Ideal For | Backpacking, Bushcraft, Camping, Climbing, Hiking, Mountaineering, Outdoor sports, Rock climbing, Skiing, Travel, Trekking |
Outdoor accessories | Repair Kits |
Product Code | E7354045 |
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